Afri Calendar 2021

We have compiled a Calendar for 2021  with some suggestions as to how we can work towards a more sustainable world.

To order (at €7 per calendar including postage) please go to and click the donate button at the bottom of the page ‘donating’ the cost of your purchase and indicating the number of calendars you would like to purchase in the message box. Please make sure to include a return address and we will post your gift to you as soon as possible.

Draft declaration from UN DPI/NGO Conference in Bonn











The 64th Annual United Nations Conference for Non-Governmental Organizations associated with the Department of Public Information took place in Bonn, Germany, on the 3rd to the 5th September.

The theme this year was “Sustainable Societies; Responsive Citizens”. Arising from this conference the Bonn Declaration was published which affirms that sustainable development should be the only form of development, and calls on governments to make binding commitments to achieve sustainable development. To read the declaration follow this link: Bonn Declaration 2011.