2024 | Palestine, Gaza and Ireland: a Shared History of Colonial Persecution | Download here  | Palestine and Gaza was the focus of Afri’s annual Famine Walk in 2024 and in this
booklet we publish two powerful texts from walk leaders Faten Sourani and Donal
O’Kelly. We also focused on the same theme in Féile na Beatha in Carlow in 2024 and
we publish here an excellent talk given by Iain Atack, as part of that event. | Authors:
Faten Sourani, Donal
O’Kelly and Iain Atack,
Introduction by Joe Murray
2024 | Slí na Síochána - Pilgrimage to Peace | Download here  | This resource is based on a series of workshops facilitated by Nicola Winters in Mount Temple Comprehensive School in Dublin. It is practical and tested in the classroom, so it should be of great benefit to teachers who want to explore the theme of peace with their students. | Writer:
Nicola Winters
Joe Murray
2024 | Sowing Seeds of Peace: A Global Citizenship Education Resource on Hunger as a Consequence of War | Download here  | This resource is for post primary school teachers who wish to facilitate understanding of the interconnection between war and hunger. It will support teachers to explore critical topics such as the global arms trade, global hunger, and peace, through participatory and active learning methodologies which will be engaging and emotive for students. | Authors:
Annabel Parker and Katie Martin
2022 | A Force for Good? Reflections on Neutrality and the Future of Irish Defence | Download here  | These essays are a vital resource for reclaiming and reaffirming Irish Neutrality. They offer an antidote to the pandemic of violence and hatred which threatens our species and our planet, most recently endangering any dream of a Common European Home. Their authors have long and deep experience of working for peace and against militarism at every level from academic to activist, on this island and in the wider world. | Essays by:
Dr. Karen Devine Mairéad Maguire
Prof. John Maguire
Tarak Kauff
Iain Atack
Carol Fox
Foreword by Joe Murray |
2022 | Transient Evil? Remembering An Gorta Mór
as a crime against humanity | Download here  | This booklet is produced on the occasion of the AfrI Walk,
Dubhloch, May 21st 2022 | Writer and researcher: Robbie McVeigh |
2021 | Afri Lessons Plans as gaeilge | Download here  | These lesson plans consist of five units exploring the themes of An Gorta Mór, biodiversity as well as reflection on daily life and invitation to action. The lesson plans can be used in secondary schools in conjunction with other teaching resources produced by Afri. | Writer: Michael McCaughan |
2021 | The Web of Life: Biodiversity, Interconnectivity and An Gorta Mór | Download here  | These lesson plans contain a wide-ranging series of workshops on themes relating to biodiversity and interconnectivity with a particular reference to the critical lessons to be learned from An Gorta Mór. The Web of Life presents cross-curricular opportunities in the following subject areas: Geography (Global Interdependence); History (Colonisation, Economic consequences, decolonisation, trade, aid and famine); Religious education (the religious imperative to act for justice and peace); Ethics; Politics and Society; Social Education and Contemporary Issues in Leaving Certificate Applied as well as Leaving Certificate Economics, Home economics and Biology. | Writer:
Nicola Winters
Joe Murray,
Dervla King |
2021 | Interdependence Day!
Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals through Drama for All Ages | Download here  | Interdependence Day: Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals through Drama for all Ages is an innovative and imaginative resource that can be used by all teachers, at both primary and post-primary level, offering eight projects that are relevant and appropriate to all ages, from children as young as four through to older teenagers. The overarching aim is to encourage a whole-school approach to Global Citizenship Education – in primary school it should be a natural fit and at post-primary level the intention is to bring on board teachers in all subject areas, offering engagement with history, geography, languages, science and technology, ecology, ethics and religion, business and economics, politics and society, art, dance and movement, mathematics, even home economics!
“Everything is interdependent” – the Dalai Lama | Writer and researcher:
Pete Mullineaux
Joe Murray,
Dervla King |
2020 | Pleananna ceachta le húsáid taobh le hacmhainní de chuid maidir leis an Oideachas Forbartha | Download here  | The lesson plans in Irish are built around three resources previously written for Afri’s Development Education programme: Exploring Global Issues Through Drama and Theatre; Pathways of Peace and Lessons from History.
The Irish translation begins on page 18. | Compiled by Miriam Barragry
Translation by Mark Doris |
2019 | Lesson Plans to be used in conjunction with Afri Development Education Resources | Download here  | The lesson plans attached are built around three resources previously written for Afri’s Development Education programme, namely: Exploring Global
Issues Through Drama and Theatre; Pathways of Peace; Lessons from History.
Throughout the Just A Second series, the hallmarks of good development education are evident – critical questioning alongside the creative, a lens of solidarity and social justice magnifying the stories of lived experience presented. | Writer and researcher: Miriam Barragry
Editor: Joe Murray |
2017 | Just A Second! Lessons from History | Available from Afri  | This book is a development education resource for teachers, youth and school groups which examines a watershed moment in our history and teases out its lessons for our world today. | Danny Cusack |
2015 | Just A Second! Pathways of Peace | Available from Afri  | This book is a development education resource for teachers, youth and school groups. It explores the stories of eight people who each in their own unique way contribute to a more peaceful world. The resource includes suggestions for further exploration with both questions and activities. Rose Kelly is a teacher and has worked as Afri's Development Education Co-ordinator since 2012. | Rose Kelly |
2014 | Just A Second! Exploring Global Issues Through Drama and Theatre | Available from Afri  | This publication is a development education resources offering school groups an accessible guide to exploring global issues through drama and theatre. The book opens with coverage of Afri's 2013-2014 'Just A Second!' project which focused on the theme of militarisation. This is followed by the full texts of five mini-plays that were devised with young people taking part in Afri initiated development education projects in primary and secondary schools during the years 2005-2011. These plays can be read or acted out, but more importantly are designed to act as a stimulus for further drama exploration, discussion and debate. With this in mind they are accompanied by multiple suggestions for follow-up activities, linking across the curriculum so that schools groups, youth theatres, college students and others can explore the themes and issues raised for themselves. | Pete Mullineaux |
2010 | Seeds of Hope in the World of Insecurity | Download here  | Food, agriculture and culture have been intertwined since the beginning of human history, as is proved by the diverse crops, culinary traditions and spiritual practises from the remotest parts of the world. Civilisation as we know it began in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) with the cultivation of crops and the domestication of animals, so agriculture is enshrined in the foundation of culture everywhere. Today, after decades of military conflict, a new war is being waged in this 'cradle of civilisation'. During a war which saw the death of hundreds of thousands of people since 2003, an occupying power imposed laws which must inevitably undermine food sovereignty in and beyond Iraq. This paper attempts to unravel the implications of these laws not only for Iraq but globally. | Claire O'Grady Walshe
Edited by Dervla Murphy |
2005 | Understanding Conflict… Building Peace | Available from Afri | This pack has four modules: conflict and its costs; conflict and its resolution; Ireland and the Arms trade and Moving Beyond Conflict Towards Peace and justice. This is a user-friendly pack with teachers’ notes and student handouts provided. It also contains some very interesting appendices. | Mary O’Mahony and Maeve McCarthy With the support of the National Council for Development Education and Trócaire |
2000 | Just a Second | Available from Afri
 | This education pack, researched and written by Suzie Flood, deals with the following issues: wastage of resources on weapons, arms trade and the aligning of Ireland with NATO’s military network. It is a comprehensive pack, which is participative, imaginative and will engage students at many different levels. It is an ideal successor to ‘Trading in Terror’ which was published by Afri in 1997. We believe it will lead to an increased awareness of, and opposition among young people to, the world’s most lethal business. | Author: Suzie Flood
Editors: Annette Honan, Dr. Andy Storey, Joe Murray |