Afri’s teacher training for secondary school teachers takes place on Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 from 10am to 1pm at Síolta Chroí, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan. The training, led by Gareth Conlon, Global Citizenship Education facilitator, is a creative and informative experience, demonstrating effective ways of bringing global issues into the classroom.
The day will incorporate active learning methodologies including:
- A tour of the demonstration sites on ecosystem restoration and food growing
- Q&A around global citizenship education and education for sustainable development
- A space to connect with other teachers
- Explore connecting this work to the curriculum
- Inspiration and motivation to continue the work
Teacher training resources will be provided – including lessons plans for a number of Junior Cycle subjects including English, CSPE, History and Geography.
Teacher substitution cover is available.
Booking is essential – to ensure a place please email or
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