Public Meeting on on the Financial Crisis

6.45pm Wednesday 6th June LYCS Community Crèche, Old National School, Lower Rutland Street, Dublin 1

LYCS and ICON in partnership with Bloom invite you to a Public Meeting on the Financial Crisis (with international and local speakers) Chaired by Vincent Browne of TV3.


Speakers will include:

Hernan Mauro Langiotti (Social Activist from Argentina)

Gary Gannon (Activist from North Inner City)

Dr. Andy Storey (University College Dublin)

Noha El Shoky (Drop Egypt’s Debt)

Other speakers to be confirmed.


This event has been requested due to the popularity of the debate on the financial crisis held in November 2011.  For further information call Helena in LYCS at (01) 8230860 Lourdes Youth & Community Services.

Human rights group calls for suspension of Corrib gas project

PRESS RELEASE, 18 January 2010

Human rights organisation Afri is calling for a suspension of all work on the Corrib gas project in Erris, County Mayo, pending an independent and comprehensive investigation of its safety, human rights, economic and environmental dimensions. Afri is asking people to sign a petition to that effect, which will be delivered to the government next month. The petition will be launched by former UN assistant secretary-general Denis Halliday in Buswells Hotel at 11.30 on Monday January 18th.

Afri chairperson Andy Storey noted that “local people oppose the project because of the dangers it poses to their health and safety, and the way in which the policing of the project has violated their human rights. People throughout Ireland have also objected to the project on the grounds that Shell and its associates are reaping the full benefits of this gas find while the Irish people – the true owners of the resource – are left with almost nothing.” Continue reading “Human rights group calls for suspension of Corrib gas project”