Afri Hedge School 2020

Organised in partnership with third-year students from the Community and Youth Development course in TU Dublin-Blanchardstown. The theme for this year’s 2020 virtual Afri Hedge School is ‘Human Rights Challenges 2020’, Racism, Conflict, Sustainability’. Human rights abuses have been laid bare during the current pandemic. At the same time we can take heart that  people and movements have risen up to support those affected by these human rights challenges. Mindful of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and their importance in focusing action for a more equal, just and sustainable world, this virtual event will feature a blend of speakers, workshops, discussions and creative activities.

Speakers include 

Donnah Vuma, Afri Board Member and Direct Provision Resident will speak on ‘Racism, Institutional Racism, Direct Provision in Ireland’.

Afri Film featuring Oisin Coughlin, Director, Friends of the Earth Ireland speaking on ‘Sustainability, ​Biodiversity, Climate Change’ followed by discussion on and the role for Community and Youth Worker to meet this challenge of our time.

Event Details:

The event will take place on a virtual platform (Zoom).

It is a free event, however, advance booking is essential as spaces are limited.

Date: Wednesday November 18th 2020, 10am – 2pm

For more information and to register for this free evnt, please go to :