Friends of the Earth Press Release
Friends of the Earth today launched an analysis of what stakeholders think are the key elements of effective climate legislation. Last week the Government delayed the publication of its draft climate Bill by two weeks. The environmental justice organisation launched its “Six Tests for the Government’s Climate Change Bill” to coincide with a briefing for TDs in Leinster House on the threat of climate change locally and globally.
Speaking before the event, Friends of the Earth Director, Oisin Coghlan said:
“The Government seems unsure of the merits of its own Bill and has delayed publication. In the interests of clarity and fairness we’re laying out today the six things stakeholders have identified as essential to an effective climate law”
“Many of them appear in the Labour Party Bill from 2009 and the All-party Bill from 2010. They have the backing not only of environmental organisations but many overseas aid agencies and the Irish Corporate Leaders on Climate Change”.
The six tests and who supports them are as follows:
1. Is there a 2050 target? Is it 80%?
Supported by:
Friends of the Earth Stop Climate Chaos Environmental Pillar Irish Corporate Leaders on Climate Change Labour Party Bill 2009 All-Party Bill 2010 FF/Green Bill 2010
2. Are there interim targets? Are they “Carbon Budgets”?
Supported by:
Friends of the Earth Stop Climate Chaos Environmental Pillar Corporate Leaders
Labour Party Bill All-Party Bill
3. Is there an independent expert advisory council?
Supported by:
Friends of the Earth Stop Climate Chaos Environmental Pillar Corporate Leaders
Labour Party Bill All-Party Bill FF/Green Bill
4. Does the Bill place overall responsibility for climate policy on the Taoiseach? (Or move climate from the Dept of Env. to Dept of Energy?)
Supported by:
Labour Party Bill Corporate Leaders All-Party Bill Friends of the Earth
5. Does the Bill provide for a limit on the use of carbon credits (offsets)?
Supported by:
Friends of the Earth Stop Climate Chaos Environmental Pillar Corporate Leaders
Labour Party Bill All-Party Bill FF/Green Bill
6. Does the Bill cover emissions from the whole economy (including ETS)?
The proposal that the 2050 target cover the whole economy is supported by:
Friends of the Earth Stop Climate Chaos Environmental Pillar Corporate Leaders
Labour Party Bill All-Party Bill FF/Green Bill
That this should also apply to interim targets is emphasised by
Friends of the Earth Environmental Pillar FF/Green Bill
1. Friends of the Earths analysis – “Six Tests for the Government’s Climate Change Bill” can be downloaded here:
2. The speakers at today’s briefing in Leinster House (at 1pm in the AV room) are Robin Hanan, Director of the European Anti-Poverty Network Ireland, Ciara Kirrane, Trócaire’s Environmental Justice Policy Officer, and Molly Walsh, Policy and Campaigns Manager, Friends of the Earth. The briefing is being hosted by Brian Stanley TD, Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on the Environment.
3. The Irish Corporate Leaders Communiqué on climate legislation can be downloaded here.
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