Shades of Solidarity: Book Launch & Art Exhibition

“Shades of Solidarity”

Book launch & Art Exhibition

by the renowned Choctaw author & painter

Gary White Deer

Wednesday 22nd May, 6pm

Glens Centre, Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim


Choctaw Dancers

Gary’s memoir “Touched by Thunder” was published in 2012 and Afri is pleased to co-host its first launch outside Dublin in association with the Glens Centre, Manorhamilton. Simultaneously, there will be an exhibition of his paintings featuring among others “An Arrow Through Time”, an artistic representation of the Choctaw donation, “When Corporate Spuds Came to Ireland” and “Fracking”, a graphic illustration of the potentially devastating effects of shale gas exploration.

Gary White Deer has represented the Irish-Choctaw Famine link on many occasions in Ireland and beyond.

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