Féile Bríde 2013: Dreaming for the Earth

Feile Bride 2013

Féile Bríde 2013

Dreaming for the Earth: Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change

Saturday 2nd February, Osborne Centre, Kildare

The wonder and awesome beauty of our planet is also a reminder of her fragility, uniqueness and the urgent need to protect her. Our planet home is blessed with sufficient abundance to care for all but is increasingly reeling and groaning from relentless exploitation and abuse.

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, describes his experience of seeing the Earth from space: “suddenly from behind the rim of the Moon, in long, slow-motion moments of immense majesty, there emerges a sparkling blue and white jewel, a light, delicate sky-blue sphere laced with slowly swirling veils of white, rising gradually like a small pearl in a thick sea of black mystery. It takes more than a moment to fully realize this is Earth…home.”

Edgar Mitchell describes the stunning view from space, when we return to Earth, however, we find a world of division and inequality, wars and conflicts, pollution and contamination. The Earth’s abundance is captured by a small minority while the majority are marginalized and impoverished. The scandal of extreme poverty and obscene wealth co-exists with the obscenity of the war industry and corporate greed.

And yet many dream of how the world might be different. We do not want to stand idly by or live in a manner that is destructive of our planet, increasing the poverty and suffering of others and putting the lives of future generations at risk. But what can we do?

Change starts here…



10.30am Registration

11.00am Welcome and Music

11.15am Walking the Talk on the Curragh with John Feehan (Please dress appropriately for the outdoors)

1.15pm Planting a Tree

1.30pm Lunch

2.30pm Wood for Life: Tom Roche of Just Forests talks us through a unique exhibition

3.30pm Responding to the Challenge of Climate Change – Presentation from Local School

4.00pm Dreaming for the Earth: Rose Kelly and Cormac Breatnach

5.00pm Conclusion

To book you can download our brochure Feile Bride Brochure 2013 or book online through this link: www.feilebride2013afri.eventbrite.ie 
For more information on other events happening in Kildare around Féile Bríde go to: www.solasbhride.ie

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