Date for your Diary – Féile Bríde 2015

Afri - Feile Bride 2015
Féile Bríde 2015 will take place on Saturday 7th February in the Solas Bhríde Centre in Kildare town. The title of this year’s Féile Bríde is “Occupy the Imagination”.

‘Another world is possible’ – A simple and confident expression of an ability to step outside the existing paradigm and imagine an alternative! This ability to imagine, to voice the imagined, and to take action to manifest it, is a wonderful gift and holds the potential to a life well spent; a seed full of potential for change. Whether it be in the small fields of power within which we operate on a day-to-day basis or whether the net of imagination is cast farther to embrace other fields and other people, the role of the imagination in creating change is a vital one.

Speakers at this year’s Féile Bríde include those who similarly inhabit their dreams and make them visible. Bruce Kent, a name synonymous with peace-making and founder of an organisation that challenges the military mindset of countless generations, the Movement for the Abolition of War; Colin Archer of the International Peace Bureau, another life-long peace activist who similarly and consistently presents the kind of world that would be possible if we stopped sacrificing life in its many forms to the god of war and chose instead to put our focus and energy into the protection of life; Emanuela Russo, member of the Via Campesina and founding member of Food Sovereignty Ireland, by word and example occupies the imagined world where food production is in the hands of the people in respectful alliance with Mother Earth; And Salome Mbugua, working to bring about the world she dreams of in common with Brigid where justice, peace and human rights are upheld and hospitality is a belief in practice.

We invite you to join with us; to bring along your dreams and to add your voices to the dreamers’ discourse. Together, let’s ‘occupy the Imagination’ and discover what great changes we can help bring into being.


10.30am Gathering at the Well (adjacent to Irish National Stud) for walk to Solas Bhríde

11.00am Registration

11.15am Welcome the Flame; Music by Imogen Gunner and friends

11.30am Rita Minehan – Solas Bhríde: The Realization of a Dream

11.40am Bruce Kent & Colin Archer – Imagine… a World without War

1pm Lunch and tree planting

2pm Emanuela Russo –Imagine… a World of Food for People not for Profit

3pm Salome Mbugua –Imagine… a World Where the Stranger is Welcome

4pm Tea break

4.10pm Occupy the Imagination with Rose Kelly

5.10pm Conclusion

To book online go to the Eventbrite page or download and return this form to Afri.

For further information the 2015 brochure is available to download here.

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