Féile Bríde 2014 will take place on Saturday 8th February in the Osborne Centre in Kildare town. The title of this year’s Féile Bríde is “Life: Source or Resource – Enslavement versus Sovereignty”.
Féile Bríde 2014 will look at issues of life, light and liberty with perspectives from our partner Abjata Khalif of the Kenya Pastoralist Journalists Network; from Fergal Anderson linking food sovereignty issues locally and globally, as a ‘small farmer’ from the West of Ireland; and Donal Dorr will be joined by a woman with personal knowledge of the issue of human trafficking to explore the meaning of slavery, sovereignty and sustenance.
10.30am Registration
11am Fáilte agus ceol with Fionnuala Gill
11.10am Food, Sovereignty & Resilience: Living well with the Planet – Fergal Anderson
12.10pm Lighting the Way to Climate Justice: Finding solutions in Northern Kenya – Abjata Khalif
1.15pm Lunch and Tree planting with Kirsty Daly of the Native Woodland Trust
2.15pm Human Trafficking: Today’s Slavery Hidden from the Light – Donal Dorr and AN Other
3.15pm World Cafe
4.45pm Poetry and Song with Pete Mullineaux
5.15pm Ends
To book online: http://feilebride2014.eventbrite.ie or download and return this booking form to Afri.
For further information the 2014 brochure is available to download here. You can also visit our 2014 Féile Bríde facebook page and share it with your friends here: https://www.facebook.com/events/277376629079162/
Féile Bríde 2014 is part of a week long series of events taking place in Kildare organised by the Brigidine Sisters and Cairde Bríde. Further information can be found here: http://solasbhride.ie/category/upcoming-events/
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