Statement by the Irish Anti-Apartheid Campaign for Palestine on Gaza and Israel

The Irish Anti-Apartheid Campaign for Palestine (IAAC-P) is a coalition of 23 Irish civil society organisations representing a collective membership of over one million people across the island.

We mourn, without reservation, the taking of all civilian life, in Gaza, in Israel and across the occupied Palestinian territory; and we condemn all unlawful acts which deliberately target or recklessly endanger civilians, including all acts of collective punishment against a population under siege. Continue reading “Statement by the Irish Anti-Apartheid Campaign for Palestine on Gaza and Israel”

Afri Condemns Latest Betrayal of Neutrality by Irish Government

Afri joins with the broad range of peace groups in roundly condemning the latest move by the Government to involve Ireland further in NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine, against the letter of our Constitution (Art 29) and against the expressed will of the Irish people. Afri is appalled at the arrogance of this government and the contempt that it shows for the views of the majority of Irish people.

In its recent ‘Consultative Forum’, assurances were given that Ireland would not formally join NATO but this is shown to be no more than empty rhetoric given that we are involved in doing almost all that NATO membership would entail. Given the proud record of former Fianna Fáil Minister Frank Aiken in promoting peace and disarmament Micheál Martin should hang his head in shame for his utter betrayal of this policy and his willingness to jump to the command of the pushers of war in Europe. Given that war presents the greatest threat to the survival of our planet, the Green Party’s collusion in this policy makes a mockery of any proposals they make regarding tackling global warming and climate change.

“A Force For Good? Reflections On Irish Neutrality” Documentary

In the wake of the Irish Government’s imbalanced, ‘Consultative Forum on International Security Policy’ this film provides a vital contribution to the discussion on the importance of Irish neutrality and its role as the bedrock of Irish foreign and defence policy. Even today – especially today – as war rages in so many areas around the world and as two nuclear armed ‘superpowers’ actively engage in a proxy war, the world urgently needs voices calling for, and countries working towards, de-escalation, demilitarization and disarmament.

Ireland should be that voice! A Force For Good ?

Online book link:

Neutrality Or NATO – an online book launch & conversation

The online launch of A Force for Good? Reflections on Neutrality and the Future of Irish Defence took place on Tuesday, June 20th 2023. The book is  a collection of essays by people with long and deep experience of working for peace and against militarism on this island and in the wider world.

Contributors include Nobel Peace Prizewinner Máiréad MaguireThomas Pringle TDUCC Emeritus Professor John MaguireDr Karen Devine of DCUCarol Fox of the Peace and Neutrality Alliance; and Tarak Kauff, former paratrooper with the US Army and now active member of Veterans for Peace.

The book is available from Afri for €10, including postage.