Afri are members of the following organisations/campaigns:-
Act Now on 2015. A campaign led by 61 anti-poverty organisations to call on Government to deliver on its promise to reach the UN target of spending 0.7% of national income on overseas aid by 2015.
Debt and Development Coalition Ireland. The Debt and Development Coalition Ireland (DDCI) is composed of organisations and individuals who share a deep concern about debt injustice and the injustice of the global financial system and seeks to raise awareness about global financial injustice, while campaigning for change.
Dóchas. Dóchas is the association of Irish Non-Governmental Development Organisations. Dóchas provides a forum for consultation and co-operation between its members and helps them speak with a single voice on development issues.
IDEA. The Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) is a national platform for organisations and individuals engaged in the provision, promotion and advancement of development education throughout the island of Ireland.
International Peace Bureau. The International Peace Bureau is dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. The IPB believes that by reducing funding for the military sector, significant amounts of money would be available for social projects domestically or abroad and lead to the fulfilling of real human needs and general development.
Stop Climate Chaos Coalition. Stop Climate Chaos is a coalition of civil society organisations campaigning to ensure Ireland plays its part in preventing runaway climate change:
Stop Killer Robots Campaign. Launched in April 2013, the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots is an international coalition of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working to ban fully autonomous weapons.